Saturday, August 14, 2010

Circle G

As mentioned in some other posts MK owns a feed store with one of our good friends. I will say that it is a different world than over here in the suburbs of Tampa.

After the bank a couple nights a week MK
goes up to the Circle G to do different tasks and help his business
partner out with other things.
Thursday it was a delivery that needed to be done. Since we've both been working tons of hours and I'll be traveling next week the pups and I decided to ride along on this delivery. We rode in the box truck which struck panic in Joey almost immediately. We saw some pretty property and beautiful houses. We also saw a girl that had gotten thrown off her horse and was laying face down in the grass. MK, being the guy that he is and the fact that he inherited some captain underpants characteristics from his dad, swerved the box truck off the road and sprinted into the field only to find out the girl was fine AND that he knew almost everyone in the field. The dogs and I hung out in the truck while MK loaded and unloaded and then re-loaded the truck.

I will say that the horse world is a whole different CRAZY world.
If you're interested in the Circle G here are some links and more info:

Website -

Facebook Fan Page, become a FAN! -

Blog -

- proud wife lp

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