Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dogs, Beach, Friends, and Doggy Friends

Today we went the dog beach with a bunch of friends for "Teach Scout to Swim." Scout is our newest doggy friend. Adam and Stephanie Thompson got Scout not too long ago and he is a SWEETIE!

We also went with Luke and Allison and of course Sawyer and Kona who are beach pros. We loved watching Kona and Sawyer just dive into the water after toys! They are such good little swimmers! Ok not little....

Our pups.....
Well they have recently been introduced to pools and swimming so the gulf was another crazy adventure for this week. They did pretty well. Joey did walk all they way in by himself and swim out to me by the end but poor little Lola looked like she was having a panic attack every time she was in the water. We loved the beach with the dogs and can't wait to go again! I think we've found our new favorite thing to do on the weekends! The dogs are tired, we gave them baths there so they are clean, and we are worn out too. It's been a GREAT Saturday!

PSA: For those of you who know Winston just wanted to let y'all know we found out he had cancer this week and Mom decided to put him down. Yesterday was a tough day for our family but we're doing better today. We loved Winnie and he was the one who started all this puppy love in our family.



  1. So sad about Winston! My mom and dad had to do the same with their wonderful Boxer, Reuger, this week. Can't believe it happened at the same time as Winston.

  2. hey can you shoot me an email so i can have your email address? love ya, daphs
