Monday, May 17, 2010

Anxiety, drugs, bangs, and groceries

Ever feel like you need to go to the grocery store and then when you sit down to make your list and go through your coupons and look for deals you just feel like I don't know if I really want to eat any of that stuff? Or what on earth can I make for dinner off of this list....nothing?!??

Anxiety is no good. Life seems unsettled and as it gets unsettled I get to doing things. Laundry at amazing speeds, cleaning like I've got the queen of England coming to stay with me, drastic decisions like to have Jenny give me bangs and dye my hair super dark.

MK suggested I take a Xanax...I don't think I'm to that point..............


So here I sit with a grocery list of necessities that can't make weeks worth of dinners. The grocery store does not sound inviting on this monday COFFEE-LESS morning. YUP! We were out of coffee too!

There is a trip to the gym that has to fit in somewhere too along with our weekly group meeting tonight. I suppose I should get off the computer and do what I need to do then.

Before I do that though...

When was the last time you had bangs? Mine would be probably around 9th grade in the middle of my ever so long awkward stage. Welp I may have stepped back into it because as mentioned before in ever drastic move to be in control I had Jenny change my hair.So there you have it
And here I go...groceries. Blah.



  1. I don't want to go grocery shopping either! And I definitely don't have coupons for all the things I need. I hear you - Mondays can be stressful trying to get everything done you need to. We are doing laundry here as well, and I'm avoiding the grocery store but we so desperately need it. Otherwise Mia will be eating crumbs & I'll be eating leftover brownies! Yikes. Would love to see the bangs! I really need a new hairdo too!

  2. How did you fit me into that busy schedule of yours?!? =) So glad we got to talk! I needed that! Boys are finally asleep at the same time, so I SHOULD be doing laundry, but what am I doing?? Reading your blog! =) Oh well... Love you!!!
